Daddy's Day

This is what it is all about! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. Everyday I am thankful for an amazing husband and an adorable baby. Mike had a great Father's day. Sophia is getting so big and is so much fun. And she just loves her daddy, she will smile at him and laugh out loud at him. Mike swears she is already saying Dada, too cute!

Mama's Birthday

Another year has quickly gone by. My birthday was this past Sunday, I am officially 31 years old. I had a very nice weekend with friends and family. On Saturday my friend Caroline hosted a tea/massage party. It was just beautiful and very relaxing. And on Sunday my mom made a taco dinner. The Michael's were all there in attendance. It is fun to see our family growing. I was really spoiled this year for my birthday. I got a Tiffany key necklace from Mike and Sophia. As well as many other gifts. Thanks to everyone for making my birthday so special.

Memorial Day

Mike's parent have a pool so what better day to introduce the baby to the water than Memorial Day! She only went into the spa but she had a good time. It was nice and warm like bath water! And their pool is salt water which is really nice. Sophia had a good time slashing and relaxing with her parents and cousins.

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