Funny Faces!

Sophia has just started to make all these funny faces. She loves when daddy acts silly while reading her favorite book, "Don't Bite Your Friends". It is of course a Yo Gabba Gabba book that her Auntie Michelle bought her. She just loves it!

Do I look chubby?

I love these pictures of Sophia on the scale. They turned out so cute and she really likes to sit on it. She likes to see the numbers light up. She is getting so big. I am not sure how accurate the scale is but she certainly feels like she weighs 17.5 pounds!


Sophia got her first tooth on 7/3. I was excited that she finally got a tooth and a little sad that she is growing up so fast. I have been trying to get a picture of her tooth but has been very difficult. Those of you that know Sophia knows that you pretty much have to stand on your head to get a huge smile out of her. When I finally got a picture I was so excited and just had to share it with everybody! Look real hard it is on the bottom right (her right) Make sure you click on the picture to get a good look ;)

4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July celebration! It started out with baking cupcakes in the morning. Then we went to my sister's house for a BBQ, And ended up at Mike's parents house for a few backyard fireworks. Sophia was a trooper. She had a long day but handled herself like a lady :)

7 Months!

About a week ago Sophia turned 7 months! I really can not believe how fast the time has gone! She is so good now. She is sleeping through the night and taking 2-3 45min naps throughout the day. She eats like a champ. Her favorite foods are sweet potato and bananas. She also is loving her baby Einstein saucer. She really is a joy and is getting so big and is so much fun. I really think 6 and 7 months are my favorite. She also talks a lot and her favorite song is Meet Me Halfway by the Black Eyed Peas! I know too funny but it is true. All I have to do is blast that song and she immediately calms down and will eventually fall asleep. And she is still loving her 80's music! I am looking forward to her growing and changing I just wish she would slow down a little, I can't keep up!

Mommy and Me Swim!

I was very excited to start mommy and me swim classes with Sophia. I really want her to love the water and not be afraid. The first class she was a little unsure but did not cry, she was just taking it all in. And by the second class she was kicking her feet and slapping her hands on the water. I even put her under water! I was more upset about it then she was. She is my little fish. I can't wait to swim in Grandma and Papa's pool this summer! I am thinking about continuing the classes through the summer, she likes it and I like it so why not!

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