6 months!

I can not believe my baby is 6 months! I barely remember my life without her. She is so special and she really is the light of my life. She just started eating baby food. I thought she would like eating but I was wrong. I have tried the veggies and she just makes the worst face I feel so bad. She babbles and laughs out loud. She is a serious little baby but so are her parents! She is a lot like me I can already tell. I don't know if that is a good thing or not. She still is not sleeping through the night she wakes up once to nurse. I don't mind, I love our time together. I could go on and on about her...Happy Half Birthday Baby!

Tea Time

Yesterday we went to the Huntington Library. We went with my good friends Caroline, Margaret, and Rachel. Sophia is just one of the girls now! We enjoyed tea and bite sized sandwiches at the Rose Garden Cafe. The gardens were beautiful. It was a gloomy day but that did not stop us from walking all over. The gardens are huge, I put a lot of miles on the stroller yesterday. My favorite part of the Huntington Library was the childrens garden. It was full of little houses and tunnels and full of flowers. It was so cute. We had a really good time and can't wait to go back with daddy next time.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I am so excited to finally be a mom. What a special day it has been. We went to a nice breakfast at Pomona Mining Co with my in law's and went to my mom's house to enjoy strawberry short cake. I never imagined how much having a baby would change my life. What a true blessing Sophia is. I love her so much and just writing this brings a tear to my eye. I know super cheesy, but it is true. I now have a new respect and appriciation for my mom. It is a love like no other. Thank you mom for everything, you are the best. And thank you Sophia for making me a mom!

Mirror, mirror on the wall....

So Sophia likes to look at herself in the mirror, wonder where she gets that from? It is the cutest thing ever! She likes to look in the mirror at herself and then back at me. She also enjoys touching the mirror with her hands. Even if we walk by a mirror I notice her head turn to see herself.I hope we have not created a little princess! But if we have, I guess it's okay.

Our baby thinks shes so cool

She wore these outside with her daddy and didn't even try to take them off. She thinks shes a movie star.

Sophia's Dediction

Yesterday was Sophia's dedication. Pastor Ignacio came to my in laws house to preform a private ceremony. It was so special to have our family and closest friends there. Like Pastor Ignacio said it is the parents who are promising to raise their child knowing and loving God. What a responsibilty! We know how to as parents provide for our kids and teach them right from wrong but to raise them as the Lord would want and expect you too is huge. I know it will be a daily struggle as Sophia grows but our faith is in the Lord to help us be good parents. Sophia is such a wonderful blessing. She is healthy and happy and I thank God everyday. After a long pregnancy of uncertainty, I could not have asked for a better outcome, my baby Sophia!. Mama loves you and God Bless you!

What a difference a week makes! Sophia is napping in her crib now and sleeping almost through the night. She is getting so big and so smart. We just love her so much. She rolls over, talks and coos, knows her name, finds her feet and love love loves DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba! She is too funny.

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