
Sophia loves books! She walks over to us and hands us a book to read. She also loves to pile them up in her arm chair and just look at the pictures. She is getting so big and is learning so much. Everyday there is something new she is doing or saying. Yay books! She is way more into reading than her parents are. I guess we can learn an thing or two from the baby :)

Huntington Librabry

Yesterday we went to the Huntington Library. We had a good time even though it was super hot. I really got a good workout pushing the stroller up all the hills. We ended our day in the children's play area where Sophia had the best time. She really loved the water and all the different fountains. She was just walking back and forth and splashing as she went. Next time I will take off her clothes or bring a spare. She had to go home in a sweater and a diaper. Oh well it was worth it, she had a blast! The pictures are a little out of order. The bottom pictures are us entering the play area and the last picture is Sophia enjoying a little cookie before leaving.

A day at the Park

We went to Penn Park for an afternoon of fun. Sophia had so much fun, she just loves being outside where she can run free. She absolutely loved the slide and the swings. She is getting so big and is so much fun. Every stage in her life just gets better and better. She is so smart and follows directions and has a little vocabulary. She says mama, dada, banana, all done, go, bath, and bye. She also make noises for kitty and fishy. And course she has mastered two baby signs; all done and more. Too cute!


So my Christmas posts are out of order and I don't know how to fix it so oh well. I guess that is what happens when my 13 month old is pulling on my leg and wanting me to play :)

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent at Mike's sister's house. We had a great time. We had an amazing meal and Sophia had fun playing with her cousins. Sophia was of course spoiled as were Mike and I.


Christmas was a lot of fun this year. Sophia got a lot of gifts from Santa and family. She really enjoyed the bath baby that daddy picked out. And of course she got Olivia tea set and a huge stuffed Olivia. We started the morning with homemade coffee cake, stocking and presents. We went to my parents house in the afternoon. And I finished my Christmas night at work.

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