Oh Boy!!

We got some exciting news!! We are having a BOY!!! We feel so blessed and happy. And I am officially off bed rest and back to work. My placenta has moved and everything looks good! Praise the Lord!!!

New Nephew!!

March 1st a new addition to the family was born, Hendricks California Michael!! He made is arrival at 4:08 in the afternoon. My sister really is amazing when it comes to birthing babies. I was fortunate enough to be there for all three kids deliveries and each one my sister made it look like a breeze! This delivery was special for Michelle because she got to help deliver Henry. Once the head was delivered the doctor let her pull the body out! I really want to do that too with this one. It was a wonderful experience to be part of his birth. I know I do this for a living but what a blessing!! What a great job I have! Ps it is very hard to sit there and not want to take over!! Congrats Michael family!!


This is what happens when mama is on bed rest and a 2 year old is bored!! I have been off work since 2/17 due to a placenta previa. As a result we have been stuck at home doing pretty much nothing. It is definitely taking a toll on Sophia. She is used to running errands and going to Disneyland with mama and dada. Mike really had to step it up because of mu limitations. He has done a great job doing laundry and dishes and even making dinner. Its been hard but I have had no bleeding in 2 weeks so I will be returning to work this next week. Praise the Lord!! Hopefully there will continue to be no bleeding and everything can go back to normal . I really miss being able to pick up Sophia. We do a lot of cuddling, coloring and watching her favorite movies together on the couch. But we are ready to get out of the house! Mama needs to start moving before I am as big as a boat!!

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